Why purchase a Helium Hotsport miner just to earn from your own where you can pay 50% less, earn 25% from your own and 20% plus bonusses from your team?

 iHub Global

To see more on Helium Mining and the Internet of Things (IoT) to understand how the mining income is generated please see:

How Mining Helium Can Generate Over $1,000 Per Month – this income is highly unlikely currently with just your own hotspot miner.  Here is a more recent article showing the current average earnings: How Much HNT Will My Hotspot Earn? – Gristle King – A Guide to Helium 

Purchase a hotspot miner vs. the iHub network earning opportunity

Why pay $915 or R13 341 (SenseCAP or Bobcat Miner 300) to mine the Helium Cryptocurrency (HNT), to earn on average 2.95 HNT monthly (about $71.45 or R1 043) when you can build a network and earn so much more?

If you do this, you are severely limiting your income opportunities and taking at least a year to get your capital returned.  The Helium Price (HNT) is increasing as on 10 August 2001 it was $14.49 and today (29 March 2022) it is $25.01, however as the miners increase the average price earned per device decreases.  The average earned in 2021 per miner was much higher at between 0,5 to 2 HNT a day.   It just makes sense to have a stake in a much larger pool and at a lower cost.

If you purchase your own, you are limited to your own device income.  You could even earn around 5 HNT (R1 813) from your own hotspot miner, see this one in Benoni, South Africa, but for how long?

Here are the current average earnings for Gauteng South Africa (3.18 HNT):

The average for Los Vegas, USA is 2.71 HNT (less than the global average of 2.95 HNT):

The reason why the average HNT earnings become less is because of area saturation and also once an area becomes developed, earnings change from an emphasis on discovery and identifying other devices (just being part of the IoT network) to getting paid on function for actual data transmission. 

Some South Africans are purchasing Hotspot Miners to earn this or even less (we found 5 HNT a month to be a very good income with the average of 2,95 as mentioned above more likely), as the iHub hotspots are not yet being deployed here.  It is however being deployed in the USA, Canada, and Europe and will be here soon. 

You currently can build your iHub Global HNT network globally for FREE.  Yes, it will not cost you a cent to join iHub and to reserve your Hotspot, Miner.  You will earn from your team where hotspots are deployed.  You will then have a network locally that is “switched on” as the Hotspot Miners are deployed, to increase your passive income.

The best news is that you can concentrate in the USA, Canada, and Europe for now and get income already without you having a device or paying anything!  But don’t forget your local network, as this is your future income!

The company we are working through, iHub Global is giving us an awesome opportunity to build this network and earn from it free of charge (no monthly cost for the websites or marketing tools) and you can earn affiliate income. 

To host and deploy your hotspot miner has a once-off activation cost of $99 and this includes a high strength antenna voucher (on the antenna excluding shipping cost), you have 2 options:

Option 1:  Rent the device for $18 monthly for 3 years.  Can be extended after expiry.

Option 2: Pay a deposit of $400 that will be refunded after the 3 years if the device is returned in a working condition.  However, why would you return something that is earning you an ongoing passive income?  You can then just keep it after the 3-years and not claim the deposit.

Either of the above options is a much better option than purchasing your own and only earning from your own.  In fact, Option 2 with the $400 deposit is like purchasing it at 50% discount with the option of a full refund return within the 1st 3 years, and even with the $99 activation fee, it is much cheaper than purchasing it. 

With the iHub Travel option (see more below), if your sponsor is an iHub Travel Membership, you will get $500 in Travel Vouchers just for ordering and plugging it in to earn!

Some earning possibilities

Say you can build a team of 20 people by giving away this awesome opportunity totally for FREE.  Say you help each of your team members to build a 6-Pack each (themselves plus 5 active referrals).  So, they only give this gift to 5 people but can do more to increase their and your team and passive income. You will have a team of 100. 

Commissions: Look at this short video: HeliumTrack | iHub Global

On your own Hotspot Miner (Hosting Reward): 25% of the hotspot income generated from your own hotspot (as a host).

Referral on your team (Referral Reward): 10% if you do not have an active hotspot miner.  Once you have a 6-Pack (you plus 5 referrals with active hotspots), it then doubles to 20%.  You also earn a further coded bonus of up to 35% on those your team members refer.  Then there is a Code March Bonus on your first 5 Pro Network Members and their Pro Network of 10% up to 25%.  Remember this is the 1st 5 that order and activates a hotspot miner (those that earn and allow you to earn).  As a free member with no active hotspot, you will earn 10% Referral Rewards, and you can still earn up to 35% in Coded Bonuses and up to 25% in Code Match Bonuses.  This totals to 80% (20% of your entire team, 5% Code Bonus per team member pet rank up to the Rank below you and up to 25% of their Pro Network (first 5 roll-ups).  You rank up with active personal referrals even if you are not a hotspot device owner yourself.


With a team of 100, I worked on an average of 20% excluding Coded Bonuses and Matching Coded Bonuses:

According to a Bing search, the current average is around 2.95 HNT monthly. 

Your earnings:

           100 (your team) x 2.95 HNT = 88.50 HNT monthly

1 HNT = $25.01, therefore your teams total of 88.50 HNT = $2 213.39

You get on average 20% of this without any Coded Bonuses or Code Match Bonuses = $442.68 or R6 444,14 monthly passive income!  The 25% on your own device is around $18.44, which will cover your monthly rental if you chose to rent (Option 1).

If you were a totally free member without your own device, you should earn 50% is $221 or R3 222 plus Coded Bonuses and Code Match Bonuses.

To build a team of 100 in iHub is easy, as it is a free opportunity offering 10% plus bonuses on your team and if you introduce only 5 direct and they each introduce 5 (25 indirects) and they each introduce 5, you will have 125 on your 3rd level.  

iHub Global has partnered with CoinZoom so that each member receives a free CoinZoom wallet and can apply for their debit card so that the Helium (HNT) you earn can be spent by swiping and withdrawing anywhere worldwide.  

iHub Travel

iHub Global added the iHub Travel Membership at only $39.99 (about R580) per month you can pay with your debit or credit card.  You also get your income in your Zoom Coin Wallet that you can link to their debit card and swipe to spend your earnings.

You earn at a minimum of $10 monthly per Affiliate iHub Travel Membership at $39.99 monthly or $5 for the $19.99 Customer Membership plus Coded Bonuses and Matching Coded Bonuses.

Proposed strategy

Use your Helium Track marketing suite at https://heliumtrack.app  - log in with the same email address and password you received upon registering.

Contact those you know in the USA, Canada & Europe first.  You can use your Helium Track Mining Assessments to show them the profitability - you have 10 that you get with the lite version of your Helium Track marketing software.  Do not waste it locally, as the network is being developed (by us) and there are no profitability scores available yet.

Follow the “My To-Do List” and register your own address as a planned hotspot.   Then use the “Plan Your Hotspot Network” to enter the information of the prospects you know in the USA, Canada, or Europe, contact them, and send them some info and the short video.  Tell them that you will send them an Assessment Report to show them the viability and potential income.  Then send out the Assessment Report from your Planned Network and follow up with them.  They can get it by SMS (Text message) and/or email.  You need their name, surname, address, contact numbers, and email address.

You can then work on your local network, but send them your website join link and info, as you do not have to waste Assessment Reports (you only get 10 for free).     

Use the iHub Travel Membership to build your local network and to earn more and incentivise those who can get their mining device to order and plug it in to get $500 in Travel Vouchers.  Yes, a total of $500 in Travel Vouchers to earn more on the iHub Global Network.  If your sponsor does not have an iHub Travel Membership, you will not get the $500 in Travel Vouchers.

To get started of for more information. please visit:


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