What we should be taught at School
What did you learn at school?
Mostly we learn at school how to a good employee or worker, to follow the system and not to make mistakes (to be safe by getting a job and the so-called job security and pension).
The system wants us to go to school, college or university to get skills for a job so that we give our hours to receive a monthly paycheck.
We are taught to buy into the 40-40-40 Plan: The 40-40-40 plan. It simply means," work on a JOB, 40 hours a week for 40 years and retire on 40% of your BASIC salary". Sounds familiar?
What should we be taught?
The problem is that our jobs definitely are not secure and there is an unemployment rate of more than 50% in South Africa. Furthermore, our state pensions are earmarked to be used to finance our dysfunctional and bankrupt SOE's (State Owned Enterprises) and probably the new National Health Insurance (NHI) planned for South Africa.
We need to be taught about becoming business owners or investors - the right side of Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant:
Here is a very interesting The Rich Dad radio show talk of Robert Kiyosaki with Bryan Caplan (Professor of Economics at George Mason University and author of the book "The Case Against Education"):
We should open our mindset to becoming an Investor and set aside some funds (save at least 10% of your earnings and another 10% should be used to further your financial education). The 10% that you use to further your financial education can be invested in passive programs such as MTI (Mirror Trading International) to accumulate additional funds to invest in your education.
If like me, you only got exposed to this at a late stage in life, I would invest the 10% in higher-risk opportunities such as MTI and the NEEW Global Investment Fund (launching an STO or Secure Token Offering on the Etherium Blockchain that is backed by a Global Investment Portfolio of more than $100 Million in 21 industries).
To learn more on the NEEW Global Investment Fund starting at $100 (you can pay this off at $20 over 5 months and will get 800 CRU units - expected to be worth more than $2 each at registering on the CryptoCurrency Exchanges later this year), see: http://passiveprofits.co.za/neew
To register with MTI and invest a minimum of $100 (about R2 000):
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