Understanding Compound Interest
UNDERSTANDING COMPOUND INTEREST Albert Einstein is recorded as saying: "Compound interest is the 8th Wonder of the World... He who understands it, earns it...he who doesn't pays it!" There is an interesting calculator you can play around with at: https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/finance/calculators/compoundinterestcalculator.php Now that you understand Compound Interest, you will better understand our 5-year plan to Financial Freedom: https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/vrqnirsx14?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent Who Knew A Little Simple Calculator Could Be So Life-Altering? In today's training, you are going to discover just how life-changing this simple the little calculator can be if you employ our system and we hit our targets! We know most people are behind on key financial milestones like: Retirement College Funding Paying Off Student Loans G...